Fetish – Kink – PorN

Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

The definition of a sexual fetish is the need for an object, body part or material to achieve an elevated state of sexual arousal. 

For many people, these are things that enhance their sexual experiences but aren’t necessarily required to achieve arousal. 

A true fetishist must always have their individual kink present to reach a state of sexual satisfaction.  There are people that enjoy porn and some people include it in their relationships. 

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with having a fetish or being a little more on the kinky side, maybe you want to learn more about kink and spicing up your relationship. Then there may be times porn and your kink and fetish habits affect your life and relationships in a negative way so let’s figure out how we can work on that together alongside Clinical Sexologist and Certified Sex Coach Dr. Stacy Friedman.


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