Swinging & Alternative Lifestyles

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Swinging, also known as “wife swapping” or “partner swapping”, is a non-monogamous behavior in which both singles and partners in a committed relationship engage in sexual activities with others as a recreational or social activity. People may choose a swinging lifestyle for a variety of reasons. Many cite the increased quality, quantity, and frequency of sex. 

Some people may engage in swinging to add variety into their otherwise conventional sex lives or due to their curiosity. Some couples see swinging as a healthy outlet and means to strengthen their relationship. It can benefit many relationships but can also do a lot of damage if not gone about the proper way. 

There is also polyamory, BDSM, which is bondage, discipline, sadism & masochism and any other alternative lifestyles you can think of. 

– Interested in getting involved in these type of lifestyles? 

– Wanting to get out of it? 

– What are the reasons you want to be involved in the first place? 

Allow me, Clinical Sexologist Dr. Stacy Friedman, help you navigate properly to make sure you keep the relationships safe in either direction.


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