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Back to School Guide to Sex & Relationships

The Back to School Guide to Sex & Relationships

The end of summer is upon us and as the school year begins once again, life as you know it is probably about to change if you are a student, teacher, parent, or have any one of those in your life. Whether you, your partner, or your kids are in Kindergarten, high school, or grad school, things can get kind of crazy. Get ready to trade in pool parties for car pools, heatwaves for microwave dinners, and beach reads for required reading. Just like any other major change or transition, back-to-school season can impact your intimate relationships. Here is what you need to know to make sure your love life doesn’t suffer in the midst of all the chaos.

Focus on your education

Your sex education, that is. Hot new positions or techniques may not be on the syllabus, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth learning. Now is as good a time as any to try new things, read up on ways to mix things up in the bedroom, or build new skills. If you have always wanted to try scissoring or learn how to give the perfect blow job, head on over to the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center or enlist the help of a sex coach to work on maximizing your full sexual potential.

Pencil in time for sex

Back-to-school season comes with a flurry of new items for your reading list, shopping list, and to-do list. With all the new dates and obligations hitting you at once, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Take advantage of those sales and get yourself a planner or agenda book. Yes, just like the one you just bought for your kid. Staying on top of all this new information can help you manage multiple priorities and keep your blood pressure at an acceptable level so you can make time to do the things you and your partner actually want to do. It may seem un-romantic to plan out a time to have sex, but this is actually a really good way to show your partner how much they matter to you even in the middle of the busy August through September whirlwind. Planning ahead–even if that means physically writing out or blocking out times to set aside for intimacy–just might be what helps you make it through the fall semester.

Have Fun with New Supplies

While you’re out shopping for binders, highlighters, and other necessities for the classroom, make it a point to stock up on some things for the bedroom as well. Don’t let the commotion of syllabus day be the reason you accidentally run out of condoms. If you’re moving into a new dorm room, now is a good time to get bondage gear compatible with that twin extra-long mattress. Or if you are enjoying a newly empty nest, take advantage of being able to be loud in your own home again by getting new vibrators or massagers. And if the new semester means the beginning of a long-distance relationship, maybe you need some toys to take care of yourself while your lover is away. Teachers and professors, this includes you too. Your students deserve happy and relaxed teachers and if there’s one thing that can help that, it’s an orgasm. Getting new toys and supplies can be an exciting way to keep the magic alive in the face of the new school year.

Take Advantage of Every Extra Credit Opportunity

If you are just an innocent bystander to the world of education supporting a partner that is a student or a teacher themselves, there are some things you can do to support from the sidelines. Taking the time to do little things to make your partner’s life easier like cooking dinner, running errands, or moving classroom furniture can take a load off their shoulders. Doing so will not only free up some of their time so they can spend it with you, it will also reduce their stress which increases the likelihood of you getting some. But don’t look at this as a way to “earn” sex– it’s not about that. Little demonstrations and reminders that you love and care about your partner goes a long way to increase overall intimacy and can improve the quality of your bond overall.

Give yourself (and your loved ones) grace

This time of year brings a lot of stress and frustration. The important thing is to be patient with yourself and each other while you suffer through it together. This season will be over before you know it and if you keep these things in mind, you can survive and maybe even thrive. Prioritize self-care and your mental health by eating well, exercising, and meditating. When your mental or physical health takes a toll, your sex life will too. Don’t let the hustle and bustle of back-to-school night make you forget who you are and who you love. Make the most of this time and hold your breath–it will be over soon enough.

For tips and advice on ways to improve your intimate and sexual relationships, Dr. Stacy Friedman holds a Doctorate degree in Human Sexuality in addition to a Masters in Clinical Sexology and is a Certified Sex Coach. She offers remote complimentary 15-minute consultations and ongoing coaching sessions. Call 1-561-899-7669 or visit today!

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