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"Fall"-ing Back into Love

Falling Back Into Love
The holidays are a time to spread love, see family, get together with friends, and all of the great things that come with the season. We can’t forget the running around non-stop and the stress of it all that can take a toll and be emotionally draining, especially if your relationship needs a little work. It’s time to do a few small things that can keep your relationship strong and happy while the stress is high.
Communication-The most important thing that a couple needs is communication. Not about kids, work or house stuff but the things that matter as you grow older together. Your dreams, hopes for the future, thoughts of tomorrow, things that you want in your life moving forward. Many times you forget that your partner needs to be a part of your dream so they can also be a part of your future.
Touch-When was the last time that you and your partner touched? Not just a pat on the butt or a quick hug good-bye, but a touch for no reason. A hug that says, “I care about you” and “You’re important”. What about a warm snuggle while you watch TV instead of sitting across the couch from one another? If you can’t remember the last time, then you need more physical contact. Give a hug and hold each other for 20 seconds every day and don’t let go, see how that makes you feel. Touch with no pressure for it to lead to sex. When you don’t have expectations, it may eventually lead to a more sexual touch down the road.
Ask for what you want-Expressing to your partner what you want and need is so important. When you lose connection, sex and intimacy can drop fast. Sexual needs are just as important as emotional or physical needs. Have Q&A with your partner, ask what turns them on, what turns them off, what makes them feel loved and desired. Share your fantasies and offer to act them out. Make sure to be specific. Explain what type of foreplay, like more kissing or that you enjoy dirty talk. When you ask for what you want, you will get a greater sexual experience because you aren’t just going through the motions for someone else but are allowing yourself to feel good as well.
Take some couple time together-Go on a date weekly. Go to the beach, walking holding hands. Buy a naughty bedroom game to play to spice it up. Save money on your water bill and shower together and take turns soaping each other. Grab a picnic lunch and go to a park on a Sunday afternoon.
There are many things that can be done to rebuild the love and affection you have for your partner if you feel yourself falling out of love or if you just need to reboot your desire. Make sure you do something at least once a week and water your relationship to allow it to grow.
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